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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise

Author Archive

August 3, 2014

CAM Commercialization Fund

The Chemical Alliance Zone, Inc. (CAZ) has funding available to assist West Virginia researchers, entrepreneurs, start-up businesses and small-to-medium firms that have innovation or commercialization ideas in the chemicals and advanced materials (CAM) sectors. Through the CAM Fund, CAZ provides support for the commercialization of chemicals, materials, related products, services, or other innovative technologies. Interested […]

August 3, 2014

Pitch Your Business, Start-up Idea At 2014 TransTech Energy Conference

The 3rd Annual Conference for TransTech Energy Innovations and Start-Ups will be held Nov. 12-13 at the Waterfront Place Hotel in Morgantown.  The conference provides an opportunity to promote ideas and investment in new companies that can provide solutions to energy, environmental, and economic development challenges such as creating new jobs and more competitive industries. […]

August 3, 2014

Two West Virginia Manufacturers Benefit From TechConnectWV’s Innovation Adoption Program

TechConnect West Virginia’s Innovation Adoption Program (IAP) is helping West Virginia’s small and mid-sized manufacturers gain a competitive advantage in today’s global marketplace. Working in partnership with the state’s nonprofit, R&D-capable institutions, the IAP provides funding to support a manufacturer’s new product development, product redesign, new tooling design and development, process improvements, and other innovation-based […]

August 3, 2014

Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, NOAA Administrator, to Keynote Women & Technology Conference

Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will deliver the opening keynote address at TechConnect’s 2014 Women & Technology Conference, to be held Oct. 16-17 at Oglebay Resort and Conference Center in Wheeling, WV. “We are thrilled to welcome Dr. […]

July 2, 2014

Battelle Report Finds West Virginia Bio Industry Grew 6.9 Percent, Employs Nearly 6,400

West Virginia Organizations Participated in the BIO International Convention in San Diego June 23-26 West Virginia’s statewide bioscience industry grew 6.9 percent – employing nearly 6,400 workers – since 2007, according to a new study by Battelle and the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) reporting national and state statistics for the bioscience industry in the U.S. […]

July 2, 2014

Women & Technology Conference Set for October 16-17 in Wheeling

TechConnectWV’s 2014 Women & Technology Conference will be held on October 16-17 at Oglebay Resort and Conference Center in Wheeling, WV. From outstanding keynote speakers to career-building workshops, the Women & Technology Conference offers an excellent opportunity for women at all stages of professional development.  Come find support, programs and resources to advance women and […]

July 2, 2014

Brain Gain: Biotech Jobs Attract, Keep Talent in WV

How’s this for a great example of West Virginia “brain gain”? Peggi Angel, who has a Ph. D. in quantitative proteomics from the University of Georgia, left her position at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Mass Spectrometry Research Center to join Protea Biosciences as Senior Scientist, LAESI Mass Spectrometry Imaging, in Morgantown earlier this year! […]

July 2, 2014

Third District Accelerator Hosts Access to Capital Workshop in Logan

The Third District Accelerator, a project serving 10 counties in Southern West Virginia, hosted a workshop on June 26 at the Logan campus of Southern West Virginia Community & Technical College to help entrepreneurs and small business people learn about programs to help start or expand a business.  “Securing start-up funding or expansion capital are […]

July 2, 2014

Research, Innovation News From West Virginia’s Colleges, Universities

Research and innovation are an important part of the West Virginia’s colleges and universities.  Here are recent articles that highlight several different activities and accomplishments: West Virginia’s WVU grad student wins global contest for young scientists  WVU Robotics Team Rocks NASA Competition WVSU Camp Targets Young Women Interested in Science Careers Manchin, Rockefeller, Rahall Announce […]

July 2, 2014

WV Researchers, Inventors, Entrepreneurs Missing Out On Possible Commercialization Funding

The following column by Anne Barth, executive director of TechConnect West Virginia, appeared in the July 3rd edition of the Charleston Daily Mail. West Virginia researchers, inventors or entrepreneurs who have an idea for a new product or technology that they would like to more fully develop and commercialize can apply for federal funding through […]