Charleston, WV
TechConnect’s Spirit of Innovation Awards, designed to celebrate success and showcase innovation in the State of West Virginia, were presented November 16, 2015 at the West Virginia Culture Center in Charleston.
West Virginia has a long history as a pioneer and leader in the chemical and advanced material industries. Not only does the state have a large base of specialty chemical companies, many of which have specialized facilities and infrastructure, but West Virginia’s metals and alloys industry sector is globally competitive...
Recent investments in academic health/biotechnical R&D facilities and enterprises at West Virginia’s two principal research universities — West Virginia University (WVU) and Marshall University (MU) -- provide an opportunity for the state to yield dividends and innovation-based economic growth. These include...
West Virginia is endowed with vast natural resources that help power our nation, and the state’s energy industry continues to be major driver for the state’s economy. Moreover, recent developments involving ethane production from shale formations provide major new economic and employment opportunities for the state..
TechConnectWV is a non-profit coalition committed to the advancement of the innovation economy in West Virginia, focused on four technology sectors: advanced energy, chemicals and advanced materials, biosciences, and biometrics. With broad representation from private industry, the public sector, and higher education, TechConnectWV seeks to diversify the state’s economy, promote economic prosperity and create high-paying jobs.
Federal Investment to Enhance Entrepreneurial Support and Foster Technology Innovation Across West Virginia The High Technology Foundation has been awarded $848,800 by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) to fund operational expenses for a statewide collaborative entrepreneurial assistance program. This initiative is part of the EDA’s commitment to foster economic development in regions impacted by […]
With funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the State of West Virginia, TechConnect West Virginia launched the ScaleUp West Virginia Program in October 2015. The program will accelerate the commercialization of new products and technologies, leading to the creation and expansion of small businesses and jobs. read more ››
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The AIM Higher Consortium is a new, wide-ranging program funded by the Department of Defense. The goal of the program is to strengthen the defense supply chain in the Greater Pittsburgh region of Southwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Leaders of the program have launched a website, www.AimHigherConsortium.org, to inform the public about the program, share […]