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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise

Author Archive

December 5, 2012

Pittsburgh entrepreneurs work to make Rust-belt states centers of high-tech innovation

By Deborah M. Todd / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Over the course of three trying decades, the Rust Belt has scraped off years of oxidation and is in the process of polishing itself into a shining new landscape of technological advancement. But try telling that to the rest of the country. “When people think of the Rust Belt, they […]

October 23, 2012

NASA Astronaut Encourages Women to Shoot for the Stars

NASA Astronaut Encourages Women to Shoot for the Stars By Sarah Harmon, The Intelligencer/Wheeling News Register More than 100 women from all sectors of the technology field gathered at Oglebay Resort and Conference center Thursday afternoon to be inspired by a woman who has followed her dreams all the way to space. Astronaut Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger […]

October 23, 2012

Female Astronaut Wows Women’s Tech Conference

Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger By Glynis Board October 22, 2012 · A female astronaut who recently spent time in the International Space Station landed in Wheeling to discuss the importance of mentoring new business leaders, especially women. In an effort to serve the non-profit’s mission of diversifying the state’s economy and promoting economic prosperity and high-paying jobs, TechConnectWV recently brought […]

October 23, 2012

Anne Barth: WV “Tech Divas” A Model for New Generation

Column in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, October 14, 2012 By: Anne Barth Did you know that women own somewhere around 50 percent of all small businesses, but when it comes to creating high-tech startups, they are still in the single digits?  Or that less than 10 percent of venture-backed companies have female co-founders, despite research suggesting […]

October 9, 2012

West Virginia Chemicals and Materials (CAM) Commercialization Fund RFP

PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL West Virginia Chemicals and Materials (CAM) Commercialization Fund The Chemical Alliance Zone, Inc. (CAZ), a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and expanding the chemical industry and technology economy in WV, has developed a new, CAM Commercialization Fund to assist researchers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and small-to-medium firms in their innovation and […]

October 8, 2012

Ingredients for STEM Success

Dr. Claudia Rankins, Program Officer with the National Science Foundation, recently delivered remarks on the campus of West Virginia State University, urging students to consider STEM fields as a major.  Citing a 2010 Urban Institute study, she discussed what is needed for STEM success: Students—must have research opportunities, academic support, mentors, and bridge programs Faculty—need […]

September 7, 2012

Bringing Brownfields and Technology Innovation Together

TechConnect’s mission to promote innovation-based economic development and redevelopment of the state’s brownfields go hand-in-glove, Anne Barth noted in an address to the annual West Virginia Brownfields Conference.  Excerpts of her remarks follow. Technology innovation and brownfields redevelopment are both part of the redevelopment puzzle in West Virginia.  In many ways, both address the legacy […]

August 6, 2012

TechConnectWV Assists Manufacturers with Innovation and New Product Development

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 23, 2012 Contact: Anne Barth (304) 444-2918   TechConnectWV Assists Manufacturers with Innovation and New Product Development   CHARLESTON, W.VA. – TechConnect West Virginia aims to help make small manufacturers in the state more competitive through a new “Innovation Adoption Program (IAP),” which will offer funding and guidance for development of […]

August 6, 2012

New ‘tech’ economy provides opportunities for those with knowledge, skills

Column in The State Journal, July 18, 2012 By: Anne Barth, TechConnect West Virginia The “New Economy” requires young people and workers to have specific skill sets, particularly in the business sectors that are expected to see continued growth. Some of these industries are ones that TechConnect West Virginia has targeted in our efforts to […]

July 16, 2012

TechConnectWV Presents at EDA Regional Conference

Anne Barth, executive director of TechConnect West Virginia, participated in a panel discussion at the EDA Regional Conference in Philadelphia on July 11, 2012.  Excerpts from her presentation follow. West Virginia is well known as an energy state with vast natural resources and great scenic beauty, a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts, and soon I hope […]