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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise

Entrepreneurial Culture

March 5, 2013

Panel Set for IOF-WV, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day

A distinguished panel of West Virginia innovation drivers will share ideas and information during the afternoon session of the 2013 IOF-WV Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day, which will be March 11 at the West Virginia Capitol.  More than 80 organizations, agencies and companies have added their names as supporters of this day-long event. TechConnect West Virginia […]

March 5, 2013

IOF-WV, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day

More than 80 organizations, agencies and companies added their names as supporters of the IOF-WV Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day, held March 11 at the West Virginia Capitol.  The day-long event was co-sponsored by Industries of the Future-WV and TechConnectWV, and included exhibitors, the annual IOF-WV awards luncheon and an afternoon panel presentation entitled, Sustaining WV’s […]

March 5, 2013

Biotech: “It Can Be Done Here”

Dave Scholl, former CEO of Athens, Ohio based Diagnostic Hybrids – which sold for $130 million in 2010 – headlined the West Virginia Bioscience Summit on February 28 and informed the group that West Virginia can have significant success in the biotech industry. “It can be done here,” Scholl told the more than 120 conference […]

February 13, 2013

IOF-WV “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Day” at the Capitol

Industries of the Future-WV and TechConnectWV hosted “Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day” on March 11, 2013 at the State Capitol. As part of the event, a wide variety of West Virginia companies, organizations, groups and agencies were at the Capitol to showcase West Virginia’s economy of the future. The entities (see below) signed on as participating organizations, and […]

February 1, 2013

John Golden to Lead TechConnect West Virginia’s Innovation Adoption Program

TechConnect West Virginia has hired John Golden as project manager of the Innovation Adoption Program, an initiative to help make small manufacturers in the state more competitive through funding and guidance for development of new products and processes, a representative announced. “John is uniquely qualified to lead the Innovation Adoption Program given his knowledge of […]

February 1, 2013

TechConnectWV Program to Offer Research Faculty Commercialization Grants

Faculty researchers at West Virginia’s undergraduate institutions of higher education have the opportunity to create partnerships with private businesses to convert innovation into product through a new grant program now available through TechConnectWV. The Seed Grant Program for Research and Commercial Partnering offers matching grants of up to $5,000 to faculty who partner with the […]

February 1, 2013

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Day at the Capitol on March 11

Industries of the Future-WV and TechConnectWV will host “Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day” on March 11, 2013 at the State Capitol.  As part of the event, a wide variety of West Virginia companies, organizations, groups, and agencies will be at the Capitol to showcase West Virginia’s economy of the future. “We are thrilled that 35 entities […]

February 1, 2013

WV Bio Summit Less Than One Month Away!

TechConnectWV, the Bioscience Association of West Virginia and a host of other sponsors and partners will hold the 3rd Annual WV Bioscience Summit February 27-28, 2013 at the Marriott in Charleston.  This event promises in-depth information on West Virginia’s life science industries and how they are transforming West Virginia’s economy. Register to attend the West […]

January 14, 2013

IOF-WV, TechConnectWV Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day at the Capitol

TechConnectWV and Industries of the Future-WV will host “Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day” on March 11, 2013 at the State Capitol.  Please make plans to attend this special day designed to highlight innovation and entrepreneurial successes in West Virginia. Anne Barth, TCWV’s Executive Director, said “We also want to promote all of those groups that are […]

January 10, 2013

Spring 2013 Export Management Course Offered

During the past 25 years, U.S. exports have made an important contribution to our state’s economic growth—increasing more than 32% in the first 9 months of 2012, compared to the same time period last year. The West Virginia District Export Council Export Management Course is designed to promote exporting in West Virginia by helping participants […]