This event will bring together regional manufacturers, key business leaders, leading scientists, venture capitalists, and environmentalists from the region and will provide a forum to accelerate technology development and assist in commercializing new technologies and products
TechConnect’s mission to promote innovation-based economic development and redevelopment of the state’s brownfields go hand-in-glove, Anne Barth noted in an address to the annual West Virginia Brownfields Conference. Excerpts of her remarks follow. Technology innovation and brownfields redevelopment are both part of the redevelopment puzzle in West Virginia. In many ways, both address the legacy […]
With a renewed and growing focus on manufacturing in the state and nation, TechConnectWV is teaming with the Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing (RCBI) at Marshall University on a new program in conjunction with Innovation Works of Pittsburgh designed to increase manufacturing jobs and productivity. The Innovation Adoption Program (IAP) will help […]
TechConnect West Virginia aims to help make small manufacturers in the state more competitive through a new “Innovation Adoption Program (IAP),” which will offer funding and guidance for development of new products and processes. The IAP is the latest in a portfolio of business assistance and development programs that have been established recently by TechConnect. […]
The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Regional Conference, held in July in Philadelphia, featured several West Virginians representing organizations that have recently received EDA grants. West Virginia Secretary of Commerce Keith Burdette, Anne Barth of TechConnect, Dr. John Maher of the Marshall University Research Corporation, Mark Felton of Region III Planning and Development Council, and […]
Jack Carpenter, a research and technology consultant in Wheeling, has been named Director of the Innovation Transfer Consortium, a program of TechConnectWV. Funded through a grant provided by the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, the Innovation Transfer Consortium program will provide technology transfer services to West Virginia’s smaller colleges and universities. Eighteen smaller colleges […]
TechConnectWV’s efforts to align existing resources and leverage assets are paying off, and are also being recognized! A June 11, 2012 post (listed below) from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s National Chamber Foundation recognizes TechConnectWV, along with INNOVA and MATRIC, for assisting in the growth of the state’s STEM workforce. U.S. Chamber – Enterprising […]
More than ninety people attended TechConnectWV’s forum on June 20, “Next Steps in Identity Technologies: Biometrics and Beyond” at the Robert H. Mollohan Research Center in Fairmont. TechConnectWV sponsored the event in conjunction with CSC and IMTAS to bring together stakeholders in the biometrics and identity management sectors to discuss opportunities for collaboration that could […]
West Virginia and TechConnectWV, along with INNOVA and MATRIC, are mentioned in a June 11, 2012 post from the National Chamber Foundation of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Efforts to align existing resources and leverage assets in West Virginia are paying off, and West Virginia is being recognized as an “enterprising state.” TechConnect West Virginia […]
When launching a new tech startup, success hinges as much or more on the person than the idea, and a common weakness is the lack of sound market analysis. These are two of the insights shared at a seminar hosted by TechConnectWV during the recent Teaming to Win conference in Morgantown. Members of TechConnectWV’s board […]