Carbon Fiber Composites of Ona, West Virginia, was able to use the state-of-the-art equipment at the Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing (RCBI) to accelerate growth through TechConnectWV’s StartUp West Virginia Manufacturing program. Hear owner Brian Alley talk about how the program has allowed him to realize his dreams in this broadcast on […]
The Chemical Alliance Zone, Inc. (CAZ), a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and expanding the chemical industry and technology economy in WV, has developed a new, CAM Commercialization Fund to assist researchers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and small-to-medium firms in their innovation and commercialization efforts. CAZ seeks proposals from these or similar groups to assist in the […]
Column in the Charleston Gazette, December 12, 2012 By: Anne Barth CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Research is the bedrock of economic growth, and a quick look at major innovations over the last 50 years in this country proves the point. Lifesaving medical breakthroughs, computers and fiber optics represent three areas of development born from basic research […]
By Deborah M. Todd / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Over the course of three trying decades, the Rust Belt has scraped off years of oxidation and is in the process of polishing itself into a shining new landscape of technological advancement. But try telling that to the rest of the country. “When people think of the Rust Belt, they […]
NASA Astronaut Encourages Women to Shoot for the Stars By Sarah Harmon, The Intelligencer/Wheeling News Register More than 100 women from all sectors of the technology field gathered at Oglebay Resort and Conference center Thursday afternoon to be inspired by a woman who has followed her dreams all the way to space. Astronaut Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger […]
Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger By Glynis Board October 22, 2012 · A female astronaut who recently spent time in the International Space Station landed in Wheeling to discuss the importance of mentoring new business leaders, especially women. In an effort to serve the non-profit’s mission of diversifying the state’s economy and promoting economic prosperity and high-paying jobs, TechConnectWV recently brought […]
West Virginia and TechConnectWV, along with INNOVA and MATRIC, are mentioned in a June 11, 2012 post from the National Chamber Foundation of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Efforts to align existing resources and leverage assets in West Virginia are paying off, and West Virginia is being recognized as an “enterprising state.” TechConnect West Virginia […]