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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise

Posts Tagged ‘Chemical Alliance Zone’

January 11, 2017

Now is the time for technology-based economic development

  The State Journal January 9, 2017 Column by Brooks McCabe Technology-based economic development offers West Virginia one of its best opportunities to jump-start real growth driven by high-paying research and manufacturing jobs. With the economic and fiscal constraints currently facing West Virginia, immediate action is needed. The priorities must be set on outcome measures […]

April 2, 2014

Officials Commemorate Business Incubator Launch

Charleston Daily Mail Tuesday, April 1, 2014 by Jared Hunt, Business editor CHARLESTON, W.VA. — State officials and executives from area chemical companies and industry organizations gathered at the West Virginia Regional Technology Park in South Charleston to commemorate the launch of the nation’s first business incubator focused solely on chemical-based technologies. Dubbed “ChemCeption,” the new […]

February 28, 2014

Mobilized and Making it Happen

Kevin DiGregorio  Executive Director Chemical Alliance Zone     (304) 437-4295 “If someone wanted to make investments in the Marcellus shale region, how would they get involved?” That was the question posed by a member of a Canadian-based private equity firm at InformEx 2014 — a chemical industry event that includes a tradeshow, conference, and networking […]

February 26, 2014

Chemical Alliance Zone Grants Support WV Startups and Entrepreneurs

The Chemical Alliance Zone’s Chemicals and Materials (CAM) Commercialization Fund has awarded grants to three West Virginia-based companies to help bring new technologies to market. Liberty Hydro Inc. was awarded $20,000 for a portable water-filtration pilot unit needed for customer-site demonstrations of Liberty Hydro’s clean-water technology.  Liberty Hydro, a spinoff of the Mid-Atlantic Technology and […]

January 10, 2013

Chemicals & Advanced Materials Blueprint Implementation Moving Forward

TechConnectWV partnered with the Chemical Alliance Zone (CAZ) in 2012 on implementation of the blueprint for growth in the chemicals and advanced materials sector.  With funding from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, the partnership will (1) revamp CAZ’s incubator and create a new Incubator-Accelerator at the West Virginia Regional Technology Park and (2) create a […]