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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise


Shale Gas Innovation Contest Now Available To West Virginia Ventures

Application Period Open Through February 1, 2014

Shale Gas Innov ContestApplications are now being accepted for the 3rd Annual Shale Gas Innovation Contest, which provides up to $100,000 in cash awards to shale gas-oriented innovations, new product ideas, or service concepts.  The program, which focuses on business concepts that are in the development stage or recently launched, is open to small businesses, researchers, entrepreneurs or innovators working in the shale gas space in Pennsylvania or West Virginia.

This traditional Pennsylvania event has been expanded to include West Virginia thanks to a grant from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.  TechConnect WV is a key partner in West Virginia creating visibility within the entrepreneurial community.  “This is a great opportunity to get WV innovators and small companies terrific exposure with the Shale Gas Industry, not only within the Marcellus play but across the country,” Said Anne Barth, TCWV Executive Director.  Also assisting with promotional efforts in West Virginia are the INNOVA Commercialization Group and West Virginia University.

The Ben Franklin Shale Gas Innovation and Commercialization Center announced recently the opening of the 2014 contest, which will award a total of $100,000 in cash prizes to four winners.  The awards will be presented during an event that will take place in May 2014. In addition to the cash prizes, successful applicants will gain exposure to investors, potential partners, and industry sponsors.

Bill Hall, Director of the SGICC, remarked “Any idea related to the shale gas space is eligible – even if the product or service has already been commercially developed. Examples include natural gas utilization products/services, remote site monitoring tools/systems, well pad EH&S products or services, natural gas or NGL conversion technologies, and water management or remediation technologies. Also eligible are new products/services developed by existing businesses as long as they have less than $10 Million in total company sales.”

The Contest sponsors also make up the judging panel and include industry leaders: Acorn Energy, ANGA, Aquatech, Baker Hughes, Cabot Oil & Gas, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, CONSOL Energy, First National Bank, GE Oil & Gas, Little Pine Resources, the Marcellus Shale Coalition, Praxair, Range Resources, and Seneca Resources.

To download an application, visit and click on the $100,000 Shale Gas Innovation Contest tab. Deadline to enter is February 1, 2014.