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ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR Assistance Program

ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Program

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are highly competitive programs that encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research & Development that has the potential for commercialization. Through the program, companies can be awarded funding to study the feasibility of a product, create a prototype, or conduct a full research and development project. Typical awards range from approximately $150,000 to $1 million.

An SBIR or STTR Award Requires…

 Considerable pre-draft preparation to correctly identify an agency’s interests and needs;

  • A clear, detailed explanation on how/why the application addresses the targeted agency’s needs;
  • A clear, detailed description of your team’s skills and qualifications; and
  • A clear, detailed plan for moving your technology through subsequent SBIR or STTR phases to commercialization that is consistent with the agency’s needs.

Many Entrepreneurs, Researchers and Small Businesses find they need outside support to accurately assess which federal agency to pursue for an SBIR or STTR award, how to interpret agencies’ specific needs, craft a detailed application document, and articulate a decisive path to commercialization.

The ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Fund Can Help.

Through resources provided by the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the State of West Virginia, TechConnect West Virginia has created The ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Fund. Limited funding will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to support West Virginia-based companies’ need for outside expertise in developing and submitting successful SBIR or STTR applications.

How The ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Fund Works.

Eligibility. To be eligible for support through The ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Fund, your company must be located in one of the 40 West Virginia counties eligible for funding through TechConnect West Virginia’s ScaleUp West Virginia program and meet all the eligibility requirements of the federal agency to which the company’s SBIR or STTR application will be directed. Additionally, your company must demonstrate that it is registered with the State of West Virginia Tax Department and the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office.

Finding Application Expertise. Your company may identify outside expertise that meets your application needs and then present that consultant’s qualifications and experience for TechConnect West Virginia’s review as a part of your request for support. If your company has not identified a qualified consultant, TechConnect West Virginia has identified a group of consultants with demonstrated SBIR/STTR application experience. Your company is responsible for contacting and engaging a consultant. Click here for contact information for a list of consultants that support SBIR or STTR application development.

Expenses That Can Be Covered. Support through The ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Fund may be applied to the cost of an outside consultant’s work to identify the appropriate federal agency to direct an application, and to write, proofread, edit and print the application as may be required for submission.

How Much Support is Available? TechConnect West Virginia wants to help West Virginia companies, entrepreneurs and researchers that are committed to pursuing a successful SBIR or STTR application. To that end, your company may request support from through The ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Fund for 75% of the cost of an outside consultant’s work to identify the appropriate federal agency for your SBIR or STTR application, and to write, proofread, edit and print your application as may be required for submission. Your company will be responsible for remaining 25% of the cost. Your company can request up to $5,000 to be applied to the cost to develop and submit a SBIR or STTR Phase I application or up to $7,500 toward the cost associated with a SBIR or STTR Phase II application. Applications that that were in process, but not completed, as of August 10, 2016, will be considered. Your company may receive two separate West Virginia SBIR/STTR Resource Assistance Fund awards. Requests for TechConnect West Virginia’s support will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Funds will be available until they are depleted or until July 30, 2017, whichever comes first.

How to Request Support Through The ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Fund. You’re your company has identified a consultant with the appropriate expertise to assist it through the SBIR or STTR application process, send the following information to TechConnect West Virginia for its review:

  • Your company’s name, address, phone, and web address
  • Contact information for your company’s primary representative
  • The year your company was formed
  • A brief description of your company’s history and research and development experience
  • Your company’s West Virginia and federal tax identification information
  • An explanation of what your SBIR or STTR application will focus on and how a successful SBIR or STTR application will affect your company’s growth (please limit to 2,000 words)
  • Contact and qualifications/experience information for the outside consultant that you intend to engage
  • A Memorandum of Understanding, Scope of Work, or other agreement signed by your company and the consultant that details

1) the focus of your SBIR or STTR application

2) the services performed and any work products delivered by the consultant

3) the cost to engage the consultant

Your company’s request information should be directed to Anne Barth, executive director, TechConnect West Virginia, at and to John Golden, Program Manager at TechConnect West Virginia will review the request and respond with its decision.

Payments made through The ScaleUp West Virginia SBIR/STTR Assistance Fund. TechConnect West Virginia’s share of the cost will be paid directly to the consultant based on an invoice that has been approved by your company. Your company will submit that invoice to TechConnect West Virginia with a copy of your submitted SBIR or STTR application. (TechConnect West Virginia will treat your SBIR or STTR application as confidential.)