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National Foundation Awards Grant for RCBI 3D Printing Camps

rcbiFor the second year, a national education foundation has rewarded the 3D Printing efforts of the Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing. A grant will enable RCBI to offer camps for youngsters across West Virginia.

RCBI’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Centers in Huntington and Bridgeport will host the camps, open to students in 6th through 12th grades. The Huntington camp is June 22-26 and the Bridgeport camp is July 13-17, with each running from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.

Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs (NBT)™, a national education foundation established by the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association International (FMA), is providing funding for the 3D Printing camps at RCBI. Each year the foundation awards grants to organizations across the country that offer experiences designed to introduce young people to careers in manufacturing and engineering.

The camps reinforce STEM skills that are “fun, interactive and educational,” said Charlotte Weber, RCBI Director & CEO. “We’re thrilled to continue to offer youngsters a hands-on introduction to this revolutionary technology.”

Presented in partnership with Marshall University, the 3D Printing camps at RCBI introduce young people to the opportunities in advanced manufacturing through hands-on experience. Throughout the week, campers use computer-aided design (CAD) software and precision machinery to customize a design, 3D-print it, then perform final assembly. During the 2014 camps, participants produced their own scale model bi-planes.

The campers also tour local manufacturing facilities and explore entrepreneurship under the guidance of experienced mentors who have started and run their own shops.

Registration is underway for the 2015 camps. Because of limited seats, early registration is recommended. For more information, visit or call 800.469.RCBI (7224).