Greg Babe Speaks to Charleston Area Alliance

Native West Virginian and Bayer Corporation President and CEO Greg Babe delivered the keynote address at the recent Charleston Area Alliance Gala on May 8. In his remarks, Babe called for state tax reform in order to stimulate business investment and job growth. He spoke about breaking down artificial boundaries through regional planning initiatives like the CAA’s Vision 2030, and cited his own involvement with the Power of 32, a regional planning initiative involving 32 counties in PA, WV, OH, and MD. Babe co-chaired the Environment Committee of Power of 32, along with Anne Barth of TechConnectWV and Richard Taylor of ImbuTec.
Babe also stressed the need for infrastructure to support industrial and economic growth, and cited the West Virginia Regional Technology Park as holding great potential. Bayer’s “Making Science, Making Sense” program is aimed at increasing the number of STEM graduates, Babe said, and helps to address workforce training to meet the needs of the “shale gas wonder.”
Babe is a native of New Martinsville and a graduate of West Virginia University. On June 30, he will retire as President and CEO of Bayer Corporation USA and Bayer MaterialScience LLC.