Women & Technology Conference — June 26, 2017
8:00am -1:30pm
Embassy Suites
Charleston, WV

For a recap of the 2017 Women & Technology Conference, click here.
To see a short video about the event, click here.
The Women & Technology Conference, an initiative of TechConnectWV, addresses the under-representation of women in fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The conference aims to encourage women involved in technology education and research, private enterprises, the public sector, investing, and entrepreneurship.
This year’s Women & Technology Conference–the fourth in a series–will feature inspiring women speakers on the cutting edge of technology, value-added educational sessions and quality networking. Technology touches all aspects of life, and the information shared at the conference will be relevant to all industries and educational institutions.
TechConnect is pleased to partner with the Charleston Area Alliance by combining the conference luncheon with the Alliance’s Elevations Professional Women’s Network Luncheon. Charleston native Dr. Anne Fischer will deliver keynote remarks about her groundbreaking research at the Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA).
Registration is $90 (the student rate is $55) and includes a deluxe continental breakfast, break, lunch and conference materials.
To view the agenda, click here.
The 2017 Women & Technology Conference is presented with generous support from:
- Allegheny Science & Technology
- Division of Science and Research at the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission
- KeyLogic
- NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium
- Steptoe & Johnson PLLC
- TransCanada Corporation
- West Virginia University
Thanks to our sponsors for making this event possible!
Sponsorships are still available; for additional information, contact Anne Barth at anne@techconnectwv.org.
We look forward to seeing you on June 26 at the 2017 Women & Technology Conference!