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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise


Eastern Panhandle Technology Innovation Center (EPTIC) Now Open for Business to Current and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

EPTICThe Eastern Panhandle Technology Innovation Center (EPTIC), an independent, nonprofit incubator for regional start-up businesses created in late 2014, is now open in Charles Town, West Virginia.

The initial priority for EPTIC, funded by American Public University System (APUS) and housed in APUS facilities, will be veteran-based entrepreneurs, and secondly, technology-based companies. It will offer reduced office rent at below market value, along with mentoring and coaching; networking opportunities; education; and access to capital, according to EPTIC Director Joe Rice.

“We’ll have room and shared services for up to six companies, in addition to our current workshops and hands-on training for entrepreneurs,” said Rice. We’ll also offer co-work space for people who operate a going business out of their basement or garage, allowing them to network with other business operators, exchange ideas and make connections.”

EPTIC will eventually be located at 300 S. George St. in Charles Town, with an anticipated public opening by summer 2015. The eight-week workshop occurs each Wednesday through March 25, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. For more information about EPTIC, visit For more information about American Public University System, visit