BIO Int’l Convention Offers Opportunity to WV

Derek Gregg, CEO of Vandalia Research, and Steve Turner, CEO of Protea Biosciences, attending the BIO International Convention
As the largest annual gathering of the global biotechnology industry, the BIO International Convention, held in Chicago April 22-25, showcased the technologies, companies, academic initiatives and federal/state policies working to heal, feed and fuel the world.
West Virginia was well represented at the event, both in person – thanks to the participation of state biotech, university research and economic development organizations – as well as visually – through the use of the West Virginia Development Office’s large trade show booth.
Numerous individuals, representing a variety of companies, states and organizations, remarked on the professionalism of the West Virginia display and the commitment this must represent to growing the state’s biotechnology industry.
Bryan Brown, Executive Director of the Bioscience Association of West Virginia, said, “Not only did the West Virginia Pavilion highlight the outstanding bioscience companies operating in West Virginia and the cutting-edge biomedical research underway at our universities, we showcased all the state has to offer in terms of quality of life and increased business competitiveness to our colleagues from the rest of the country and around the world.”
Several West Virginia bio companies and related organizations participated in the event. Vandalia Research, Protea Bioscience, Cordgenics, MIST Technologies, West Virginia University, Marshall University, the Huntington Area Development Council and the Bioscience Association of West Virginia were all represented.
While the final count has yet to be tallied, state attendees conducted dozens of individual meetings with potential customers, investors and resource organizations. These connections bring the potential for additional business and employment to West Virginia.
“Our participants held numerous meetings throughout the week with prospective customers, collaborators and investors,” Brown said. “We believe these connections will help attract new entrepreneurs, inventors, researchers, investors and businesses to West Virginia.”
Attendees of the BIO International Convention include a mix of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, plant and life science, medical diagnostic, instrumentation and technology companies of all sizes, including the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the world. Also represented are economic development organizations and businesses that support the industry, such as law firms, service providers, investors, and suppliers of laboratory equipment and products. Representatives from more than 200 universities and academic communities attend for networking, educational sessions and collaboration opportunities. There is a strong international attendance, with participants from approximately 60 countries.
For more information, contact the Bioscience Association of West Virginia at (304) 546-5500.