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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise


Autodesk Offers Free Digital Prototyping Software

The Socket soccer ball

The Socket soccer ball

Software giant was featured at the 2014 TransTech Energy Business Development Conference.  The company’s Cleantech Partner Program director, Paul Cousens, described how qualified cleantech companies can obtain up to $150,000 worth of digital prototyping software for free.

Technical and business development leaders from Autodesk demonstrated how their software and development teams take an idea from concept to reality by creating a digital prototype.  Entrepreneurs with ideas for cleantech products and technologies can test multiple concepts and reduce costly errors, and more rapidly turn their idea into enterprise.

Cousens demonstrated a product that was developed as part of the program for Unchartered Play, a firm that created the “Socket,” a soccer ball that generates energy while kids kick it around.

Learn more about Autodesk’s Cleantech Partners Program at: