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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise

Author Archive

April 16, 2013

High-tech industry to show off for state lawmakers

March 11, 2013 CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Aspects of West Virginia’s growing high-tech economy will be on full display at the Capitol in Charleston. Monday is Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day, hosted by Industries of the Future-West Virginia and TechConnect West Virginia. TechConnect executive director Anne Barth says the idea is to put a face on the […]

April 16, 2013

Importance Of High-Tech Industries Stressed At WV State Capitol West Virginia’s high-tech economy was showcased Monday at the state Capitol in Charleston. More than 80 companies, groups and agencies participated in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Day, with exhibits set up at the Rotunda. High-tech companies used the event to demonstrate to lawmakers the importance the industries play in the state’s economy. The event was […]

March 22, 2013

Patent Law Changes in Effect–Are You Ready?

Changes in U.S. patent law took effect March 16, 2013.  Learn how this could affect new patent filings, and more, in this posting by Robin S. Levine Stoller, Of Counsel with Steptoe and Johnson PLLC. Robin Levine Stoller focuses her practice in the areas of intellectual property preparation, prosecution and litigation, energy law, and environmental […]

March 1, 2013

Walhonde Tools, Inc.

Walhonde Tools, Inc. of South Charleston, a manufacturer of patented precision tube and pipe fitting tools with customers worldwide, has improved its productivity, safety, and quality control through assistance received at the Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing (RCBI) under TechConnectWV’s StartUp West Virginia Manufacturing program.  For more information about Walhonde Tools, Inc., click here. […]

February 25, 2013

Carbon Fiber Composites

Carbon Fiber Composites of Ona, West Virginia, was able to use the state-of-the-art equipment at the Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing (RCBI) to accelerate growth through TechConnectWV’s StartUp West Virginia Manufacturing program. Hear owner Brian Alley talk about how the program has allowed him to realize his dreams in this broadcast on […]

February 25, 2013

Wallace Metal Works

TechConnectWV’s StartUp West Virginia Manufacturing program has allowed Wallace Metal Works of Charleston to increase production speed, expand their market, and improve sales.  Read about the success of this firm here. Also, Wallace Metal Works and RCBI are profiled in this Charleston Daily Mail feature story. Startup West Virginia Manufacturing is a program funded by the U.S. […]

January 31, 2013

Bioscience Industry as an Economic Driver

The Southern Technology Council recently hosted a webinar profiling bioscience industry employment in the South, which featured two experts in the field, Peter M. Pellerito of PMP Public Affairs Consulting and Ryan Helwig of Battelle.  Mr. Pellerito is a senior policy consultant and former interim vice president for state government relations and university outreach for […]

January 10, 2013

RFP: West Virginia Chemicals and Materials (CAM) Commercialization Fund

The Chemical Alliance Zone, Inc. (CAZ), a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and expanding the chemical industry and technology economy in WV, has developed a new, CAM Commercialization Fund to assist researchers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and small-to-medium firms in their innovation and commercialization efforts.   CAZ seeks proposals from these or similar groups to assist in the […]

December 13, 2012

West Virginia is Home to Two Stars of R&D

Column in the Charleston Gazette, December 12, 2012  By: Anne Barth CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Research is the bedrock of economic growth, and a quick look at major innovations over the last 50 years in this country proves the point. Lifesaving medical breakthroughs, computers and fiber optics represent three areas of development born from basic research […]

December 6, 2012

November 2012 Newsletter

To see the November newsletter, click here.