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Turning Innovation Into Enterprise

Author Archive

October 3, 2014

2014 Women & Technology Conference Breakout Session: Manage Your Money, Manage Your Life

  Learn how to harness financial power and make it work for you at the 2014 Women & Technology Conference.  Financial gurus will lead you through a serious discussion of finances, including personal financial strategies and techniques; finding and securing your value and worth (e.g., how to negotiate a salary); and investing for the common […]

August 27, 2014

Small Business Research Funding

Guest Column by Justin Gaull, Program Manager West Virginia Small Business Development Center In-Tech Program (Innovation and Technology Commercialization) In June, the WV Development Office and WVSBDC In-Tech program were represented at the National Innovation Summit and National SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) Conference in Washington, D.C. Large companies, federal agencies, and multi-national government prime […]

August 26, 2014

2014 Women & Technology Conference Breakout Session: Learn To Lead Like Your Career Depends On It

  The 2014 Women & Technology Conference will feature a panel of outstanding regional women leaders who will share their best practices for developing leadership skills. Are you selling yourself short?  Are you pushing hard enough to move forward, lead, and grow in your position? Join the discussion on “leaning in,” the steps to finding […]

August 21, 2014

2014 Women & Technology Conference Breakout Session: Building Teams That Work To Win

The 2014 Women & Technology Conference will feature a workshop focused on “Building Teams That Work To Win” led by Dr. Julie M. Smith, Co-Founder of the Continuous Learning Group, Inc., which is today the world’s premiere consultancy for behavior-based strategy execution, with headquarters in Pittsburgh and a support facility in Morgantown. Regardless of your […]

July 29, 2014

StartUp West Virginia Final Report

West Virginia’s innovation and entrepreneur economy is stronger thanks to efforts over the past two years by TechConnect West Virginia.  TechConnect has been advancing an integrated program designed to expand entrepreneurial and business startup efforts that have helped to create new tech-based jobs in high growth industries in West Virginia.  The StartUp West Virginia program […]

May 21, 2014

NG Innovations, Inc., of Cross Lanes is Winner in Shale Gas Innovation Contest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE West Virginia Company Among Four Winners In 2014 Shale Gas Innovation Contest  CHARLESTON, WV – NG Innovations of Cross Lanes, West Virginia was among four companies selected as winners in the 3rd Annual Shale Gas Innovation Contest. The contest, which was held on May 15 in Southpointe, PA, provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs […]

May 20, 2014

TechConnect helping WV firms achieve success

Four West Virginia firms were singled out by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin as part of National Small Business Week, and TechConnect is proud to have assisted all of them. Some have also been supported by RCBI, the WV Small Business Development Center, the INNOVA Commercialization Group, and other members of TechConnect.  Both RockyBrook Sinkers and […]

April 2, 2014

Officials Commemorate Business Incubator Launch

Charleston Daily Mail Tuesday, April 1, 2014 by Jared Hunt, Business editor CHARLESTON, W.VA. — State officials and executives from area chemical companies and industry organizations gathered at the West Virginia Regional Technology Park in South Charleston to commemorate the launch of the nation’s first business incubator focused solely on chemical-based technologies. Dubbed “ChemCeption,” the new […]

March 27, 2014

Fund Credited With Aiding 1,000 Jobs

Charleston Daily Mail Wednesday, March 26, 2014 The West Virginia Capital Access Program has helped create or retain nearly 1,000 jobs in recent years, officials said. As part of the federal Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, the program received $13.1 million to use to lend or invest in small companies. The program aims to […]

March 12, 2014

Marshall Vice President for Research to Lead TechConnect

Article in the State Journal, March 10, 2014 John M. Maher, Marshall University’s vice president for research, has been elected chairman of the board of TechConnect West Virginia. TechConnect is a statewide economic development organization that fosters and promotes innovation-based businesses and entrepreneurial activities. The group’s members represent education and research, private industry and the […]