2014 Women & Technology Conference Featured Speaker: Joyce McConnell, JD, LLM

As the Provost of West Virginia University, Joyce McConnell, JD, LLM, is the chief academic officer responsible for the administration of all academic policies, programs, facilities, and budgetary matters. She is committed to WVU’s land-grant mission of ensuring access to exceptional education, supporting and facilitating innovative research, and serving the needs of the state and people of West Virginia.
Provost McConnell is also an academic who has dedicated her career to improving legal education. As a teacher, scholar, and higher education administrator, she has focused on two educational innovations: multidisciplinary learning and clinical legal education.
Prior to her appointment as Provost, McConnell served as dean of the WVU College of Law (2008-2014). At the College of Law, she expanded the College’s multidisciplinary opportunities throughout the University and implemented state-of-the-art experiential and clinical programs and facilities that support curricular innovation. She made this possible by raising $36 million in A State of Minds: The Campaign for West Virginia’s University.
McConnell started her career in 1984 as a Clinical Fellow at The Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. She joined the faculty of the City University of New York, where she earned tenure in 1992 and taught for eight years. She spent a year as a visiting professor at the University of Maryland School of Law, where she taught in the first-year curriculum and supervised clinical students in a joint project with the UMD Hospital.
She joined the West Virginia University College of Law faculty in 1995, became a full professor in 1998, and the Thomas R. Goodwin Professor of Law in 2002. She served two terms as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, under Dean Emeritus John Fisher, and was appointed the William J. Maier, Jr. Dean in 2008. At the College of Law, McConnell taught primarily in the area of property law, specifically first-year property, natural resources, and land-use planning. She taught “Gender and Law” and focused on the leadership of women in the legal profession.
McConnell is a nationally recognized scholar as well as a national and state leader. She is a current Co-Chair of the Section for the Law School Deans of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS). In the past, she has served as President of the AALS Section for Women in Legal Education and the Section for Energy and Natural Resources. She is both an ABA Foundation and WV Bar Foundation Fellow and served on Governor Manchin’s Judicial Reform Commission with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.
Join us for the 2014 Women & Technology Conference at Oglebay Resort and Conference Center in Wheeling, WV, October 16-17.
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